Yogi Bear – the Film

Yogi Bear is a 2010 film adaptation of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series “The Yogi Bear Show, directed by Eric Brevig. The voices in the film are well known actors like Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake. The film premiered on December 17, 2010 and was distributed by Warner Bros. with Hanna-Barbera as co-producer.


A documentary filmmaker travels to Jellystone Park to shoot a project and quickly crosses paths with Yogi Bear, his sidekick Boo-Boo and Ranger Smith. Jellystone Park celebrates its 100th anniversary, but it may be the last time, because of the declining attendance, Mayor Brown wants to close the park and sell the land. If the park closes, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo lose their home. They join forces with Ranger Smith to save Jellystone from closing. Yogi must really prove that he is “smarter than the average bear”.

Film trailer