
nation, year, face value: Australia, 1997, 45c
description: Australian dolls & bears

nation, year, face value: Australia, 1999, 45c
description: childrens television programmes

nation, year, face value: Australia, 2003, 50c
description: greetings

nation, year, face value: Australia, 2016, $2
description: 50 years of ‘Play School’

nation, year, face value: Australia, 2020, $1.10
description: ‘Joyful Occasions’

nation, year, face value: Austria, 2002, 0.51€
description: 100 years teddy bear

nation, year, face value: Belgium, 2002, 42c
description: convention on the Rights of the Child

nation, year, face value: Canada, 2003, 65c
description: Christmas presents

nation, year, face value: Canada, 2004, 49c
description: Montreal children’s hospital

nation, year, face value: Denmark, 1995, 5k
description: toys

nation, year, face value: Finland, 2014, 1LK
description: teddy bears

nation, year, face value: Germany, 2002, 56+26c
description: toys
Great Britain

nation, year, face value: Great Britain, 1990, 20P
nation, year, face value: Great Britain, 1991, 1st
description: famous smiles

nation, year, face value: Great Britain, 2005, 1st
description: greetings

nation, year, face value: Great Britain, 2017, 1st
description: classic toys

nation, year, face value: Ireland, 1995, 32c
description: greetings stamps

nation, year, face value: Ireland, 2002, 38c
description: classical children`s toys

nation, year, face value: Japan, 2012, 80Y
description: greetings autumn
New Zealand

nation, year: New Zealand, 2000
face value: 40c, $1.10 & $1.50
description: children’s health – teddy bears and dolls

nation, year, face value: Singapore, 2003, local
description: greetings stamps ‘Joy and Caring’
St. Kitts

nation, year, face value: St. Kitts, 2003, $2
description: the 100th anniversary of the teddy bear

nation, year, face value: Sweden, 1978, 130k
description: old toys

nation, year, face value: Switserland, 2002, 90c
description: teddy bears

nation, year, face value: Switserland, 1986, 35+15c
description: ‘Pro Juventute’ – Toys
United States of America

nation, year, face value: United States of America, 1998, 32c
description: celebrating the century

nation, year, face value: United States of America, 2002, 37c
description: teddy bears celebrate 100th anniversary