Molly and the Bear is a daily internet comic by Bob Scott.

MOLLY looks like an ordinary eleven year old girl, but there is one big difference. She has a 900 pound pet bear.
BEAR decided to move out of the Great Outdoors to the suburbs. He now lives in Molly’s house and they are best friends. But poor Bear is afraid of many things, like spiders, swimming en new situations. While holding Molly’s hand, Bear takes small steps into a new world.
Mom said goodbye to her career to stay home for Molly. When Bear comes to stay, she’s horrified at first, but soon is pleased to have someone around during the day. In return she gives him plenty of honey and cookies.
DAD his life before Bear was perfect, when his wife and
daughter who believed he was the centre of the universe. Now dad has to
compete for attention. Bear likes dad very much, but dad bear not much.

Comic examples