Easter is a festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion.
Tatty Teddies & Eggs
Tatty Teddies love Easter and especially the colouring of the Easter eggs.
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie loves to dress as the Easter bunny.
Yogi the Easter Bear
Yogi the Easter Bear is an animated television special starring Yogi Bear and produced by Hanna-Barbera which was first broadcast on April 3, 1994.

Yogi Bear ruins Mister Ranger’s plans for the big Easter Jamboree by thinking only of himself and eating all the Easter treats, accidentally destroying the park Easter Bunny suit in the process. Wanting to help Mister Ranger (whose career depends on holding a successful event and impressing his boss) and also wanting to save himself from being shipped off to the Siberian Circus, Yogi Bear sets off to bring the real Easter Bunny to the celebration.
Unfortunately, the Easter Bunny has been kidnapped by evil villains who run a factory and want to get rid of all the real chicken eggs so they can sell their plastic ones to everyone. Of course, Yogi and Boo Boo Bear rescue the Easter Bunny, save the Easter Jamboree, and even convince Mister Ranger to believe in the Easter Bunny.