Brother Bear

Brother Bear is an American animated film released by Walt Disney Pictures on October 20, 2003, with a runtime of 85 minutes. It is an original animated movie without computer animation. The tagline of the movie is “The Story of a Boy Who Became a Man by Becoming a Bear.”


Long ago, at the end of the Ice Age, there lived three brothers. After a bear kills the elder brother, the impulsive, youngest brother Kenai kills the bear in revenge. As punishment, the Great Spirits change him into a bear. Denahi, the middle brother, sees him as a bear and he thinks that this bear has killed Kenai. He promises revenge. Now one brother is chasing the other brother and Kenai’s only hope for survival is to befriend his worst enemy, a grizzly cub named Koda. Koda main goal is to learn Kenai the real meaning of brotherhood.


Kenai, the youngest of three brothers, flies through life like an arrow and constantly tries to prove himself to his two older brothers. The Great Spirits transform Kenai into a bear, to teach him a valuable lesson about love and brotherhood. On four legs, he makes a heroic journey to the place “where the light hits the earth” to get back his human form.


Koda is a boisterous bear cub and real talkative, who can’t sit still. He is a friendly cub, always has a story handy and constantly makes new friends. Koda is on his way to the annual salmon catch of the bear family, where he hopes to find his mother. Along the way he meets Kenai and together they go on. Thus, Koda becomes the guide and companion of Kenai and teaches him what the real bear world is about.

Tuke and Rutt

Tuke and Rutt are perhaps the stupidest and funniest brothers from across the Northern Territory. The two elks spend the days being lazy, eating and sleeping and trying to outdo each other. They are the first talking animals Kenai encounters as a bear. Tuke and Rutt accompany Kenai and Koda and seek protection from the hunter (Denahi) chasing them.


English Version
KenaiJoaquin Phoenix
KodaJeremu Suares
DenahiJason Raize
RuttRick Moranis
TukeDave Thomas
SitkaD.B. Sweeney
TananaJoan Copeland
TugMichael Clarke Duncan

International titles

ArgentinaTierra de osos
BrazilIrmäo Urso
CanadaMon frère l’ours
FinlandKarhuveljeni Koda
FranceFrère des ours
ItalyKoda, fratello orso
NorwayMin bror bjørnen
SpainHermano oso

Brother Bear Trailer