Teddy Bear Manufacturers


Australian teddy bear manufacturers.

companycityyearsfirst teddy bear
Jakas Soft ToysMelbourne1954 – #1954
Joy-ToysSouth Yarra1920 – 19801920
Verna ToysVictoria1941 – 19851948


French bears can be identified by their short bristle mohair, their simple jointing and their colourful ear linings. Although they are relatively easy to identify it is often difficult to say what company made them. Two of best known are M. Pintel Fils and Fadap, both of whom ceased production in the 1970s.

companycityyearsfirst teddy bear
F.A.D.A.P.Divonne-les-Bains1920 – 19751920
M. Pintel Fils & Cie.Paris1918 – 19651918


Old German teddy bears are often filled with wood wool. Their arms reach to the hip or sometimes longer. The feet are also large and tapered.

companycityyearsfirst teddy bear
Gebrüder BingNuremberg1863 – 19321908
Eduard CrämerSchalkau1986 – ?1912
Schreyer & Co.Nuremberg1912 – 19761913
SchucoNuremberg1912 – 19761913
SteiffGiengen1877 – ?1903
Gebrüder SüssenguthNeustadt1894 – ?1925

Great Brittain

The first British bear was made by J.K. Farnell in 1906. Other early bears were made by W.J. Terry, Dean’s Rag Book Co Ltd, Chad Valley and Chiltern. While early British bears copied the German look, later on they began to change – their bodies became fatter, their faces flatter and their arms and legs shorter.

British makers also experimented with different materials. Artificial silk plush was first used in the 1920s and sheepskin was popular for a while in the 1950s. Bears made by different companies developed their own characteristics. Chad Valley bears are instantly recognisable from their bulbous noses. Early Farnell bears have webbed claw stitching, and Chiltern noses of the 1920s and 1930s have two long stitches going up at each end.

companycityyearsfirst teddy bear
Chad Valley Co. Ltd.Birmingham1820 – 19781915
ChilternChesham1919 – 19671923
Dean’s Rag BookMerton1903 – ?1915
EalontoysLondon1914 – 19501926
J.K. Farnell & Co. Ltd.London1840 – 19681908
Harwin & Co. Ltd.London1914 – 19301914
MerrythoughtShropshire1919 – ?1919
Peacock & Co. LtdLondon1853 – 19391930
H.G. Stone & Co. Ltd.Chesham1919 – 19671923
William J. TerryLondon1890 – 19401913


Ideal was the first company to make teddy bears in the United States. Ideal bears are characterised by their triangular shaped heads, and they have been producing the same style of bear for several decades. Other well-known American companies include Knickerbocker, Applause, Gund and the North American Bear Co, famous for their unusual character bears of famous people.

companycityyearsfirst teddy bear
Aetna Toy Animal Co.New York NY1906 – 19191906
Bruin Manufacturing Co.1907 – ?1907
Character Novelty Co.Norwalk CT1932 – 19831946
Columbia ManufacturersNew York NY1907 – ?1907
Ideal Novelty & Toy Co.New York NY1902 – 19841903
KnickerbockerAlbany NY1850 – 19801925
Strauss ManufacturingNew York, NY1907 – ?1907